Ditch self-doubt & discover your True North in counseling!
High-Quality Counseling in San Luis Obispo, CA
As a therapist, I help people suffering from self-doubt define their path and live their best life!
My clients struggle like you do. Despite being smart, kind-hearted, and driven, they struggle with living the life they truly desire.
When they first come in, they’re exhausted from putting on a good face while at the same time, secretly questioning their own self-worth. Although they seem to have it all together on the outside, they suffer from low self-esteem and beat themselves up with their negative self-talk.
They fall victim to the comparison trap and want to scream every time they see yet another post of someone else’s “perfect life” on Instagram. This inevitably makes them feel like they just can't keep up with those damn Kardashians or anyone else for that matter.
They spend a lot of time second-guessing themselves and people-pleasing to the point that they don't even know what their own needs are. Or, they put them on the back burner because anything else would be selfish. They often find themselves working so hard, trying to prove their worth that they feel like they’ve lost themselves.
Before reaching out to me, many of my clients spent months toying with the idea of starting therapy. They'd go back and forth, looking at a million and one different therapist sites but never actually taking the next step. They didn't feel like they deserved to ask for help because they thought "don’t other people have it way harder than I do?” After meeting with me, most say they wish they would have made the call sooner.
Like my clients you deserve to accept yourself freely and deeply and most importantly... to show up for yourself. If you want to find your confidence and live a life that feels true to you, I’d love to help get you there.
Call now. You don’t have to continue to suffer alone. I can help you.

Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.